Waste less of your marketing dollars

Marketing is critical to growing your business but it is easy to waste a lot of time and money on marketing and advertising. Here are my tips on how to get more users for your effort. 

Measure the impact! 

One thing all businesses can learn from online technology companies is to measure the impact of marketing dollars you spend. This is harder for small businesses than online companies but you can start by simply asking every new customer how they heard about you, keep track of all the answers and review it when you are considering allocating your marketing dollars in the future. Some of my favorite local businesses also use this as a way to keep track of any referrals and actually send hand written thank you notes for every customer referral! It is a great way to show appreciation to current customers and acquire new ones.

Invest in channels that make sense for you 

Small businesses are really an extension of your personal brand. Marketing channels can be an extension of things that you like to do as well. If you enjoy writing and researching new information that is relevant to your customers consider adding a blog to your website. If contributing to your local community is important to you find opportunities to let your business sponsor events. One of our local real estate agents sponsors the music at the farmers market and it helps cement her brand as a neighborhood expert. If you spend lots of time on social media consider creating a Facebook page or Instagram account for your business. Because you are already interested in these things your marketing will read as authenticate and have a bigger impact on your audience. Also by focusing on things you enjoy doing it will be easier for you to keep up your marketing efforts since it often takes time to gain traction. 

Focus on customer retention

It is generally less expensive to keep a customer than to acquire a new one. Skill, availability and likability are the keys to making sure customers come back. Of course you need to be good at what you do for customers to comeback but they also have to like you. When I worked for a dentist back in high school my boss would keep notes of any personal information a patient shared in their file. That way when a patient came back six months later for teeth cleaning she would inquire about how their dog was doing or whatever it was. Patients were always put at ease and felt like they had a personal connection to the office and the staff even though they visited so infrequently. It is a trick that stuck with me and one that I used in almost every job I have had since. 

With the ever expanding set of affordable marketing technology systems it is easier than ever to ensure that your marketing and sales tactics are paying off. Feel free to reach out if you need help.